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 gangsta G confronts Karla IV

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Posts : 70
Join date : 2010-08-03
Age : 26
Location : chicago

gangsta G confronts Karla IV Empty
PostSubject: gangsta G confronts Karla IV   gangsta G confronts Karla IV EmptySat Aug 07, 2010 8:11 pm

Karla IV is getting ready for a macth in her locker room when gangstaG walks in

gangstaG:hello Karla

gangstaG looks at the knockdown championchip belt

Karla:what are you doing here

gangstaG:O just thought id stop by and wish you good luck on your match tonight and to tell you you had better watch your back cause first chance I get im takin that title from you

Karla:the only way you or anyone will ever get this title is by taking it from my cold dead hands!!!!!

gangstaG:if thats the way you want it then so be it!!!!!!!!!
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gangsta G confronts Karla IV
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