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 Raul comes to the THZ

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Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-08-27
Age : 29
Location : Toledo,Spain

Raul comes to the THZ Empty
PostSubject: Raul comes to the THZ   Raul comes to the THZ EmptyTue Sep 14, 2010 4:59 am

The chamber shows to Skullking sat in his office when they call to the door.

Skullking - Forward, happens.

¿? - In agreement.

Skullking - Hello, your debits of being the new one that I have contracted

¿? - Yes, I am Raul.

Skullking - In agreement Raul, already you know that you have to strain very much in this company if you want to progress.

Raul - It be a gentleman, because of it I am here. I have come here to beat records and to be the best fighter who has happened for The Zone Hardcore.

Skullking - This is the spirit boy. I hope that you fulfill what you want. Certainly I am concentrating on you and see that you are very high and a fort, it can do that your rivals are thought before to strike yourself.

Raul - I know It, already it happened to me in other federations and for all that it happens they put a nickname that expresses what I am actually. There was calling me Raul The Monster.

Skullking - does not surprise me. Good already I do not want to speak any more with you, you can go away and give a return for the enclosure.

Raul - Thank you very much and good-bye.

Skullking - Good-bye.

Since I am Spanish I help myself with the translator because still I am learning English(Como soy español me ayudo con el traductor porque todavía estoy aprendiendo ingles.)
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