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 interview backstage for gangstaG

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Posts : 70
Join date : 2010-08-03
Age : 26
Location : chicago

interview backstage for gangstaG Empty
PostSubject: interview backstage for gangstaG   interview backstage for gangstaG EmptyTue Aug 03, 2010 7:42 am

interviewer:ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time gangstaG!!!!

crowd cheers wildly

gangstaG:thank you.

interviewer:so tell me how you were recruited here on THZ.

gangstaG:well U see I have always wanted to be a wrestler as a kid and I started werstling at 18 and I have been working my way up until finaly I was recruited the the greatest GM in the biz the Skull Crusher!!!!!!!!

at the sound of his name the crowd goes crazy

interviewer:thank you very much gangstaG.


gangstaG walks away as the screen fades away
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interview backstage for gangstaG
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