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 Interview with Johnny

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Johnny Cage

Johnny Cage

Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-08-08
Age : 28
Location : Long Beach, CA

Interview with Johnny Empty
PostSubject: Interview with Johnny   Interview with Johnny EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 12:35 pm

The camera shows Lewis Watson with a mic in hand standing next to a young man

Lewis Watson: I have here one of the companies newest acquisitions, "The Ripper" Johnny Cage, so Mr. Cage what was your first impression of The Hardcore Zone after you saw it?

"The Ripper" Johnny Cage: Well Lewis, I was just flipping through channels looking for some decent wrestling, and then I stumbled across The Hardcore Zone, I was amazed at all the action that was going on, the fans were also so amazing with all their cheering, and don't get me started about the hardcore stuff going on as well.

Lewis Watson: Wow, also when you first got here what was your impression on the wrestlers?

"The Ripper" Johnny Cage: Some nice, and others, well not so nice, I actually saw a guy carrying a broom that was covered in barbed wire.

Lewis Watson: So, Johnny what do you want to accomplish here?

"The Ripper" Johnny Cage: Most people would say "Oh I want to become the next World Champ and become the most dominant force", but I just want to get some wins on my record and try to keep up with all the veterans.

Lewis Watson: Their was some rumors going around that the GM and you had some negotiations issues with your contract.

"The Ripper" Johnny Cage: What idiot made up that rumor? No, he was very fair on my contract, listen I didn't come to this place for a damn paycheck, I came to get to experience the chance of a lifetime and come fight with the greatest wrestlers of all time.

Lewis Watson: Well, who are you going up against tonight?

"The Ripper" Johnny Cage: Who knows, I'm not even sure I have a match tonight.

Lewis Watson: Well, if you had to pick who would be your first opponent here?

"The Ripper" Johnny Cage: Anyone who can give me a good match, and give these fans their money's worth.

Lewis Watson: Man Johnny, most new young wrestlers are cocky and think they are the best but you just seem so down to earth.

"The Ripper" Johnny Cage: Hey that's me....learn to live it, live to learn it.

Johnny Cage leaves while the camera slowly fades
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Posts : 90
Join date : 2010-06-28
Location : New Zealand

Interview with Johnny Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interview with Johnny   Interview with Johnny EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 2:56 pm

great RP, it will be goning on the next TEZ show since we have had the last THZ show f the season
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